This is a message for every American citizen, you are the target of every Muslim in the world wherever you are.Allowing for the tendency in Arabic to immediately engage in hyperbole, these are still serious threats. The article also contains examples of the photos.
If America attacks Iraq, every American embassy in the world will be exposed and attacked with car bombs.
The list of those who don't understand we are in a "war of civilizations," aka The Long War, appears to begin with our President. It matters not that he has known Muslims he liked and trusted, so have I.
There are friendly Rottweilers and pit bulls, too. What does that prove, the old adage that there are exceptions to any rule? Hat tip to for the link.
See the always interesting Newt Gingrich's take on the threats posed by ISIS, Hamas, and Boko Haram, written for CNN. He asks
Why not take them at their word?That is, view their statements not as plans to be carried out next week, but as what they intend to do to us before they're finished.