Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Poll: Obama Hurting Democrats

McClatchyDC reports the findings of a Marist/McClatchy Poll, findings that Democrats in general, and President Obama in particular, will not like even a little. See what correspondent Anita Kumar writes about attitudes toward the President and his party:
Just 39 percent approve of the way he’s dealing with the economy and only 33 percent approve of how he’s dealing with foreign policy, the worst of his years in office.

By 42-32 percent, voters say their opinions of Obama make them more likely to vote this fall for a Republican than for a Democrat.

And for the first time this election cycle, more people said they’d vote for a Republican than a Democrat for Congress, by 43 percent to 38 percent. In December, voters’ opinions split evenly between the major parties. (snip) Now they lean toward the Republicans by 5 points, 43-38.

Independents are driving the change. (snip) Independents break for Republicans over Democrats by 40-26, with 12 percent picking neither party and 22 percent undecided.
Hat tip to RealClearPolitics for the link.