Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Majority: Deport Illegals

Investor's Business Daily reports the results of a poll about illegal immigration. Hat tip to Lucianne.com for the link.
The latest IBD/TIPP Poll asked 913 adults coast to coast if they "support or oppose mandatory deportation of illegal immigrants in the U.S." Not surprisingly, 87% of Trump supporters back the proposal.

What's surprising is that 59% of the overall public does as well. Mandatory deportation gets majority support in all age groups except 18-24, every income group, among both women and men, at every level of educational achievement, and in rural, urban and suburban regions.

More interesting still is the fact that 64% of independents and 55% of moderates support deportation.
The public has figured out illegal (and legal) immigrants are taking jobs U.S. citizens would otherwise hold. Immigrants are an underlying cause of the slow recovery from the 2008 recession, and the major cause of post-recession wage stagnation.