A poster with the following heading, all in caps:
TURDit then continues:
Do you know someoneFour photos, the first shows a donkey head on Congressman Schiff's body as he asks from his head table seat in the hearing room:
suffering from
Trump Unacceptance &
Resistance Disorder?
Is there ANY evidence that President ObamaPhoto two shows FBI Director Comey answering:
had wiretapped Mr. Trump's campaign?
No!Photo three again shows donkey Schiff asking:
How can you be so certain?Photo four shows Director Comey answering:
Because we've been monitoring communicationsA cartoon of Wolf Blitzer on CNN portentously saying:
out of Trump Tower since last summer.
At this time we have some unconfirmed speculationA photo of the Normandy landings on D-Day, captioned:
that we would like to pass on to you
as breaking news.
In the old days if you attacked LondonA photo of a lovely driveway blocked by elaborate wrought iron gates, captioned:
We did this to you.
If you say you're for open borders but live in a gated communityA photo of a Lowes storefront with actor Rob Lowe's portrait Photoshopped in front, captioned:
you might be a liberal.
How many Lowes could Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowes?