Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Double Hypocrisy

Hearing President Biden’s decision not to oppose Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, my first thought was to write a column. My subject? How Biden believes it’s okay for Europeans to have petrochemical pipelines, but not okay for Americans as he cancelled the Keystone pipeline. Monica Showalter at American Thinker beat me to it. Here it is for all you hypocrisy fans. 

Democrats, including Biden, spent the last four years beating up on President Trump for allegedly being pro-Russia. Trump never did anything as pro-Russian as this current Biden move. 

You’ve heard of double jeopardy? I accuse Biden of double hypocrisy, once for phony environmentalism and a second time for following a foreign policy he supposedly hates. Apparently Biden doesn’t see how deeply unserious this action makes him appear.