Saturday, May 29, 2021

Vaccines vs. the Darwin Award

COTTonLINE is a conservative voice, but I want to take issue with those on my side of the aisle who oppose the Covid-19 vaccine. Yes, it was created in a hurry and a vanishingly small number have had bad reactions to it. 

Most, including the DrsC, who have had the shots suffered little more than a slightly sore arm lasting about a day. Plus the shots are free, how great is that? The pandemic is winding down, and I give the vaccines much of the credit. By now we have plenty of data that they are as safe as vaccines ever are, which is to say, “mostly.”

Now various jurisdictions are going to extreme lengths to get the remaining people to take the vaccine. I oppose these efforts. If people don’t want to take free vaccine, they shouldn’t be bribed to do so.

If those who refuse then catch the disease and die, well … they won the Darwin Award, didn’t they? Evolutionarily, they took themselves out of the gene pool. I’m okay with that, we end up a smarter species as a result.

And while I agree that government shouldn’t make people be vaccinated, I oppose laws which prevent private entities from doing so. For example, cruise lines and airlines should be able to require crew and passengers to have been vaccinated. I have no problem showing my ID to vote, or my vaccine card to fly.