Saturday, May 22, 2021

Green Talk, Not-Green Reality

The Zero Hedge website reports that, contrary to President Biden's expressed wishes, America's utilities are building new gas fired generation plants at a good clip.

While President Biden has decided to re-enter the Paris Climate Accords and vowed to take steps to place the US electric grid on the path to net zero emissions by 2030, American utilities are continuing to pursue new gas projects that would far outlast Biden's administration. Expansions have even been authorized for coal and oil plants. It's just the latest evidence that Biden's green rheortic doesn't square up with reality.

And then Zero Hedge quotes a Bloomberg article:

At least eight large utilities in the U.S. are building new gas plants right now, and another five are thinking about doing the same. That lays bare an uncomfortable truth about the sector’s commitment to fighting climate change: All those carbon-neutral pledges don’t necessarily mean quitting fossil fuels.

China and India (a) produce most of the world's human-generated atmospheric carbon dioxide, and (b) both are entirely unwilling to reduce their actual use of coal to generate electricity. Thus U.S. utilities expect to be able to keep using these new plants beyond the working lives of the executives making the decisions, if only as essential backup for unreliable renewables which depend on intermittent sun and wind.