Monday, September 23, 2024

Global Cooling, Anyone?

The latest of Steve Hayward’s charts for Power Line deals with the earth’s climate over the past 485 million years, as reconstructed from the fossil record by paleoclimatologists - climate scientists.

I apologize for not including the chart here, I am currently limited to my iPad. Some of what the desktop does easily the iPad does with difficulty or not at all.

It shows that the earth is currently near its lowest temperature for the last 485 million years, until we stopped cooling and started warming recently. Is it a bad thing that we stopped cooling? You can find serious scientists who conclude that a modest warming is a net benefit to the planet.
We know the planet was once warmer. We have found fossil trees in the high arctic and Antarctica, in neither of which regions they currently grow. Clearly Gaia has been warmer during much of its past, and likely will be so in the future. Technology is the way to deal with whatever the future holds.