Thursday, September 26, 2024

The State of Play

I read something a day or two ago, I can’t find it now, where the author wrote that everybody has decided whether they will vote for Trump or Harris. All we’re doing now is marking time until the results are announced.

Do you feel like that? I do. Whoever is elected, half the country will be shaking their heads at the evil or stupidity of the other half for voting as they did. For saddling us with “that idiot” who won.

I’m hoping Trump wins, no surprise. I hope he can avoid being assassinated for the next 7 weeks or so. It seems like only consequential public individuals and ex-spouses are actively targeted. The rest who get killed are in the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s human nature. 

I’m not making grandiose claims about what I’ll do if my preferred candidate loses. I know me, I’ll figure out how to cope with what comes, good or bad. It’s what I’ve done all my life. It is what we all should do, figure out the rules of the game, and play to be comfortable and trouble-free. 

I calculate this society will not deteriorate so quickly as to greatly inconvenience someone of my advanced age. On the other hand, if you have grandchildren whom you love, do worry about their futures.

I’ll leave you with the Stark family ‘words’ from Game of Thrones.

Winter   is   coming.