Saturday, August 28, 2010

Noonan on Obama

A good friend from grad school completed his doctorate and went straight into industry. He spent maybe 20 years there and then, between jobs during an economic lull, he interviewed for an academic position.

Following the interview he called me and asked "How do you put up with such oddballs as colleagues? We don't have these weirdos in industry." I replied, "Strange coworkers are the biggest drawback to an academic career."

I tell you this story as a lead-in to a piece by The Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan. She has a nice column on how President Obama is a person the American public just doesn't "get." In other words, they cannot figure him out. She says people think he is:
Sleek, cerebral, detached, an academic from Chicago by way of Hawaii and Indonesia. "You know what? I don't know that guy!"
Obama spent several years as a part-time law school lecturer, but people including Noonan identify him as "an academic." I suspect what they really mean is that he is odd, as many of my fellow academics were/are odd folk. BTW, lecturer is not a synonym for professor.