Monday, August 23, 2010

Obama's Faith Vacuum

There have been polls recently which reflect that about a quarter of Americans think President Obama is a Muslim, and roughly another quarter aren't sure what his faith is. If this question interests you (there is no particular reason why it should), go read this USA Today article by Paul Kengor, a political science professor who has written several books about presidential faith.

Kengor concludes that Obama, raised by apostates and atheists, probably has little faith. On the basis of very modest evidence, I am inclined to agree.

I imagine people suspect Obama is a Muslim because he is more accepting of Muslim people and Muslim culture than are most Americans, having lived with them as a youngster named Barry Soetoro.

What of his attendance at the church of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright as an adult? Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii, by whites and Asians, I suspect Obama attended Rev. Wright's church mostly to learn how to successfully imitate an African-American. Of this I have no proof, but it seems logical.