Thursday, August 19, 2010


"Transitivity" means something like if A = B, then B = A, if I remember my statistics courses with any accuracy. A more commonplace way of stating this idea is "what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander." Or as we said with a whine when we were little and these conditions did not prevail, "that's not fair."

Here we have a Time magazine piece reappearing as a Yahoo News article asking, in the title, "Mosque Controversy: Does America Have a Muslim Problem?" The question seems to be this: are we okay with having mosques in the U.S.?

I have to ask, is Islam okay with having Christian churches in, let's say, Mecca or anywhere in Saudi Arabia? My understanding is that the answer is "No."

My guess is that same unwillingness exists in most Muslim countries. Do their magazines ask "Do we have a Christian problem?" without meaning what we mean when we ask "Do we have a bedbug problem?"

Why should we cut them slack of the sort they won't cut us? And their answer is something like, "Your rules say we can be there whereas our rules say you cannot be here. Each of us should play by our own rules."

I don't think so; one set of rules for all. I am unwilling to extend to folks rights they won't extend to me. I think that's not fair. How about you?