Sunday, June 5, 2011

Noonan on the Debt Ceiling and Obama

You remember the Muppets' Miss Piggy? This column has its own "lady who knows" at least some of the time and she's Miss Peggy, Peggy Noonan. She has a good Wall Street Journal column about the debt ceiling and whether or not Washington will be able to solve the problems it poses.

She ends with a take-down of Barack Obama that is reasonably brutal, regular readers of COTTonLINE will enjoy it. Here is a choice tidbit therefrom:
Barack Obama is different, not a political practitioner, really, but something else, and not a warm-blooded animal but a cool, chill character, a fish who sits deep in the tank and stares, stilly, at the other fish.
Regardless of where he was born, Barack Obama doesn't understand how to be an American. As a child he didn't learn the culture and keeps trying, unsuccessfully, to fake it. That is why the birthers believed him born elsewhere. He has a foreigner's view of our foreign policy, of our role in the world. Americans notice this.