Sunday, January 15, 2012

Film Review: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The DrsC saw this raw, gloomy film this afternoon. It stars Daniel Craig as a Swedish journalist who is hired to investigate the disappearance (and probable murder) of a wealthy young girl some four decades earlier. It is nice to see him in a role that isn't all fights, car chases, and gunplay.

Playing opposite Craig is a relatively unknown actress Rooney Mara. Her character is a sort of psychotic version of Abby from NCIS, on heavy tranks.

The film is rated R and is definitely something to which you won't take your grandmother: lots of nudity and variegated sex as well as some violence and crude language. It won't show up on TV without serious editing unless a separate "for TV" version was made.

There is so little color, the film almost could have been shot in black-and-white. Everybody smokes more-or-less constantly. Talk about a film noir sensibility, Dragon Tattoo has it.

The film says Sweden is a place you might visit but wouldn't want to live. On the other hand, the story "worked" and kept us involved right through to the end.

In spite of the gloom, we liked the film a lot, which is how film noir is supposed to work.