Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Liberal's Two Conclusions

Writing for New York Magazine, Jonathan Chait reaches two conclusions you may find interesting, coming from a liberal pundit:
The first is that Democrats stand almost no visible prospect of attaining a government majority. (snip) As long as Democrats hold the White House, Republican control of Congress is probably safe — at least for several election cycles to come.

The second conclusion is simpler, and more bracing: Hillary Clinton is the only thing standing between a Republican Party even more radical than George W. Bush’s version and unfettered control of American government.
Both parties are more radical than they were formerly. It is the result of Americans sorting themselves into two ideologically cohesive parties. Few conservative Democrats or liberal Republicans remain. This perforce reduces the ideological "bandwidth" of each party's "big tent."

Chait's second conclusion is spooky - Hillary reminds me of Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest. Who else do they have? A coach would say the Dems' bench isn't strong, many of their "hot prospects" just lost an election.