Wednesday, November 19, 2014

An Imagined Conversation at the DNC

Golly, there aren't enough Democrat voters. What can we do?
   Why don't we import a few million who will vote for us?
Excellent idea, but whoever does it is dead politically.
   No problemo, the President is a lame duck and very unpopular.
   He has nothing to lose. Let him do it.
Sure, we have him covered against impeachment.
   True, no way 67 Senators would ever vote for conviction.
A couple of years ago didn't he say he lacked the authority? What if he was right?
   No biggie. A: nobody expects him to be consistent anyway. And B: if
   the courts do throw it out we still get Hispanic votes. They'll give us
   credit for trying.
How many do we need?
   Five million is a nice, round number. That should do it.