Saturday, November 8, 2014

Core Dilemmas

National Journal's Ron Brownstein looks at the exit polling numbers and finds remarkable consistency between the 2010 and 2014 elections. See what he concludes:
Each party's core dilemma remains unresolved: Democrats again have shown they cannot win enough whites to consistently hold Congress, while Republicans still have to prove they can attract enough minorities to win the White House.
However, he reports only 60% of whites favored the GOP in 2014. What if that percentage increases as "tribal politics" becomes more the rule than the exception? Nobody wants to speculate that it might be the GOP's easiest route to a majority, such statements are considered naughty.

If in 2016 the Republicans nominate someone unlike Mitt Romney who appeals to blue collar whites in the Rust Belt and gets them out to vote, the GOP can win. Many of these voters simply stayed home in 2012.

It's unclear whether Romney's great wealth and corporate success was the turnoff, or his Mormon faith. Neither bothered me at all, but I can imagine others having issues with both.