Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Cut My Budget, Suffer the Consequences

Perhaps you remember that I wrote about bureaucrats punishing the public whenever their budgets are cut, or desired increases not approved? Today's news brings a prime example.

Forbes Magazine has a report of a speech by the head of the Internal Revenue Service, John Koskinen, who makes it explicit.
Phone service could plummet to 53%. All we can do is try to maximize our services as well as we can; as well as we can is still going to be miserable. You really do get what you pay for. 
Forbes explains that would be down from 72% during the 2014 filing season. The average hold time is projected to be 34 minutes.

I'd have hoped some reporter would ask Koskinen how the IRS is tightening its own belt, how its people will suffer from the cuts. Apparently, those present were too smart to believe this could ever happen.