Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Does the Courage Exist in Congress?

Reuters reports the non-partisan Congressional Research Service has authored a memo saying Congress can cut off the funding the President needs to issue green cards to illegal immigrants.
The Congressional Research Service said lawmakers could halt operations of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency by including language explicitly prohibiting the use of funds by a specific agency for a specific purpose.

"If a statute were enacted which prohibited appropriated funds from being used for some specified purposes, then the relevant funds would be unavailable to be obligated or expended for those purposes," the research service said in the memo.

It went on to say that such legislative language would also apply to funds collected through fees but noted that courts could have different interpretations.
A question the article doesn't answer is would such a statute require the President's signature? He won't sign it, and sufficient votes to override a veto do not exist in the new Senate.