Friday, November 14, 2014

The Rehabilitation of Augusto Pinochet

Gen. Augusto Pinochet's name has been a dirty word in Chile for nearly a quarter century. I've been wondering when Chileans would begin to appreciate the good things he and his economic advisors from U. of Chicago did. They set in motion policies that make Chile one of the few Latin American success stories.

The English language Santiago Times reports that the general's grandson and a group of young people are forming Partido Orden Republicano Mi Patria to recapture what has been lost.
Our party seeks to rescue the political achievements of the military-civic government,” Toledo said. To do so, the group is bent on recovering some of Pinochet’s structural policies, including his economic reforms and measures to strengthen government institutions.

Likewise, Stefani Landeros — a member of the Por Mi Patria board — conceded that while certain “excesses” were made under Pinochet’s regime, the “good” that emerged ought to be maintained.
Under Pinochet there were human rights abuses, but also much done that was constructive at the time and continues to be helpful today. Hat tip to for the link.