Monday, June 15, 2015


Bruce Jenner claims to be female, Rachel Dolezal claims to be black, where will the self-invention end? When I was in high school a gazillion years ago a weird kid named Jerry Mead or Meade (who remembers?) claimed to be from Mars, having (he alleged) hidden his space ship in the dry bed of the Ventura River.

Jerry wasn't from Mars, of course, merely the unfortunate recipient of some minor (I hope) but grotesque birth defects that gave him an odd aspect. Nevertheless I gave him credit for creativity in weaving an "origin story" that explained his peculiar appearance and mannerisms. 

I wonder if it is too late for me to "come out" as a Dr. Who-style Time Lord? Or as a Dune-style Mentat? Perhaps a Flynn Carson-like Librarian? Alas, I cannot convince myself so I fear I have no chance of convincing you. How boring to just be who I am, eh? 

I have to settle for a description written of me by a student on an anonymous faculty evaluation: "He has a mind like Spock." BTW, it possibly wasn't the compliment I took it as.