Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Foot-Shooting Season Opens, Bag Limit: 2

Reacting Sunday to the campus protests happening now, and recent Baltimore/Ferguson inner city riots, we wrote the following, concerning the result of the 1960s campus and inner city violence:
On the upside, they basically gutted the Democratic Party for a generation. Think of McGovern and McCarthy, not to mention the people who lost to Reagan (twice) and Bush 1.
Today Michael Barone expresses for RealClearPolitics much the same notion:
Berkeley and Watts were followed in California by the election of Gov. Ronald Reagan, riding a wave of support from a GI generation that financed its great universities and supported civil rights legislation. Nationally, Republican presidents won five of the next six elections. 
With luck, the progressives will once again shoot themselves in both feet, producing a painful condition wherein the sufferer can't decide which sore foot to favor.