Friday, September 16, 2016

Clinton Last White Democrat Nominee?

Writing in The New York Times, Nate Cohn argues America's highly touted demographic changes aren't much helping Hillary Clinton. He believes demographics is only one of three factors helping Democrats, the other two being support and turnout. And the last two are more important than the first, in his view.

His article is okay, much of what he writes is unobjectionable. Reading it, I'm going out on a limb to predict that if Hillary Clinton loses, she will be the last white presidential candidate nominated by Democrats.

Doing their version of the famous Republican 2012 loss post-mortem, Democrats will conclude that only a nonwhite candidate can turn out sufficiently large numbers of their base to elect a president. If Clinton loses in 2016, beginning in 2020 all Democrat nominees will be Black or Hispanic, or less likely Asian.

The tribalization of American politics proceeds as predicted.