The wall is a perfectly feasible promise to fulfill. (snip) If he really wants Mexicans to pay for the wall, he has many ways of getting many Mexicans to pay for the wall, increasing the fee for visas...increasing the toll on the bridges..taxing remittances.Well ... all right, then.
Actually today you have somewhere like 40 percent of the 1,700 mile wall that is already there. So why can't Trump do what he has promised to do if his three predecessors did a lot of it without wanting to?
He certainly could deport twice as many as Obama, why not, why not? Everybody knows where they are, it's very easy to find them. It's expensive, but it's not outrageously expensive and you could pressure a bunch of people including my country into paying for part of it and taking them back.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
A Grudging Admission
The Washington Examiner reports the comments of a former Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico - Jorge Castañeda - regarding Trump's promise to build the wall and deport a large number of criminal illegal aliens.