Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Government Dysfunction

Peter Thiel, who spoke at the GOP convention, is a venture capitalist who has interesting opinions about what is wrong in today's America. See his opinion column in The Washington Post.

Thiel mostly emphasizes how ineffective government is, and how we somehow take that for granted. His examples are excellent. Two key quotes :
Our newest fighter jet has already been under development for more than 15 years and it costs more than 15 times as much as the Manhattan Project (adjusted for inflation), but last year it lost a dogfight to a plane from the 1970s.

Last year a (DC) Metro worker was fired for fabricating maintenance reports on the ventilation fans whose failure resulted in a passenger’s death from smoke inhalation. This year he’s being reinstated, and union officials are suing Metro because they don’t think he’s being reinstated fast enough. Our dysfunctional public sector treats the loss of a government job more seriously than the loss of a person’s life.
Thiel thinks maybe Donald Trump can begin to turn this insanity around. It's a chance I'm willing to take. Hillary Clinton is the poster child for the comprehensively ineffective status quo.