Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Fix Was In, It Appears

Earlier today we wrote about the Comey exoneration of Clinton and his subsequent memo to all FBI employees. Now comes a column in The Washington Times by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano which argues:
It is apparent that some in FBI management blindly followed what they were told to do — exonerate Hillary Clinton. There is no other explanation for the FBI’s failure from the outset to use ordinary law enforcement tools available to it. Yet some in the FBI are not professionally satisfied by this outcome. They know that a strong case for prosecution and for guilt is being ignored for political reasons.
Perhaps they feared she would be elected President in November and subsequently destroy their careers if they didn't take it easy. They wouldn't be the first agents who crossed somebody important and were sent someplace like Saipan or maybe Midland, or Duluth - to kill time until retirement.

It sure sounds like somebody inside leaked to Napolitano, doesn't it? I'd guess Comey's memo won't have the desired effect.