Thursday, September 15, 2016

Intelligence Matters ... a Lot

The Financial Times reports the results of several large-scale longitudinal studies of intelligence - innate aptitude in math and language. They note researchers at Duke University found those in the top 1 percent in math or language were overrepresented among CEOs, federal judges, billionaires, members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

This is no surprise to COTTonLINE. High IQ individuals are seriously overrepresented among university faculty - the field from which we retired.

When school comes easily, and good grades result, people logically do more of it, and gain additional credentials. Those credentials, in today's credential-driven society, often lead to well-paying jobs and other opportunities for advancement.

Other studies have shown that, to a large extent, intelligence is inherited. Smart people often have smart children, and the opposite is also sadly true.