Sunday, September 4, 2016

What Is and Isn't a Coup

Latin America isn't a country, but if it were its de facto capital would be Miami and the Miami Herald might well be its newspaper of record. Writing for the Herald about all things Latin is columnist Andres Oppenheimer.

Today his topic is the impeachment and conviction of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.
What happened to Rousseff doesn’t apply to any definition of a coup, not even remotely. On the contrary, Rousseff’s congressional impeachment process followed all the judicial and legislative steps demanded by Brazil’s Constitution, including her right to publicly defend herself during her Senate hearing.
Oppenheimer argues that while what happened to Rousseff was lawful, the ugly things Maduro is doing in Venezuela are clearly not lawful, merely awful.
What happened in Brazil was not a coup. What’s happening in Venezuela is a clear and increasingly bloody, slow-motion coup.