Friday, September 18, 2009

Color Blindness

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) of San Francisco, was filmed making the following heart-felt plea, available here on RealClearPolitics:
I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw... I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and ... I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made.
No doubt what she says is sincere and represents her true feelings. When her pals on the left are on the receiving end she frets. When folks on the right are receiving the vitriol, as was abundantly true during the eight years of the Bush administration, she was notably quiet.

There are blue states and red states. One could wish Speaker Pelosi was equally concerned about possible violence directed toward all, not just toward her blue state friends and supporters.