Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WSJ Cute Animal Story

You think The Wall Street Journal only covers financial and political news? Think again. This WSJ article deals with a baby monk seal named KP2 who was raised by people and, it would seem, thinks he is one of us. Unfortunately, KP2 is getting too big to be safe for people to swim with.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is planning to remove KP2 from the Molokai folks he loves (and who love him) and ship him to a place with no people. The folks on Molokai will survive the loss of their friend.

Nowhere in the article does it say what this separation may do to the well-being of the seal. Seals are a social species. KP2 has no clue how to fraternize with other seals as he has spent no time with them. I believe he'd be better off in a Sea World-type setting where he can continue to interact with people.