Friday, November 8, 2013

Evil Portents

Yahoo Finance reports that the new unemployment numbers, while superficially encouraging, mostly reflect growth in dead-end, low-wage service jobs in food service, janitorial and retail. Exactly the sort of jobs which pay too little to support a family or afford Obamacare.

These are jobs which cannot be outsourced overseas to low wage countries because they must be performed here, onsite. I'll bet most of these are part-time, generating too few hours per week to earn company-provided health insurance.

I foresee a time, in the near future, when many people will hold 2-4 different part-time jobs - each of 19 hours per week, or less. Such individuals will have no company health insurance and will require a government subsidy to afford an ACA policy.

For the poor slobs stuck in it, can this be better than what we have now? Only in the sense that they don't have all of their financial eggs in one basket.