Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Early November Is Election Time

Elections were held today in a number of jurisdictions, for everything from governor to gender-free restrooms. It is nearly 11 p.m. in CA and Drudge Report lists the following set of result headlines:
Houston residents vote down LGBT equal rights measure...
Pot legalization loses in Ohio...
Republican wins Kentucky governor's race...
If you learn nothing else about the day's scattered elections, that looks like a continuation of the GOP wave that featured prominently in the 2010 and 2014 elections. The first two indicate a rejection of the pace of social change being pushed on a reluctant country by some combination of Democrats and the courts.

In case you're curious, the polls predicted the Democrat would win in Kentucky, which did not happen. It wasn't even close, the Republican - Matt Bevin - won with 53% to his opponent's 44%.

Please feel free to interpret these scattered results as omens of what will happen one year from now. Or not ... depending on your general level of optimism. Unfortunately, quadrennial presidential elections bring out lo-info voters who otherwise cannot be bothered.