Saturday, August 25, 2018

Pedophile Priests

A whole lot of concern being expressed about sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests, which is awful but entirely unsurprising.  Who will be attracted to a career which is supposedly celebate? Exactly the people most likely to commit these crimes.

Men who understand themselves to be pedophiles, many or perhaps most of whom are also gay and have no interest in heterosexual relationships, see no downside in a “celebate” profession. After all, they are going to have to pose as celebate anyway inasmuch as western society doesn’t tolerate overt sex with children. The fact that many priests work with young people as part of their assignment is a further attraction for pedophiles.

People are drawn to occupations which make demands and present opportunities that are congenial, or at least not obnoxious, to them. Church policy makes as little sense as someone recruiting enthusiatic athletes and demanding they act instead like nebbishy bookworms. Or vice versa.