Monday, August 27, 2018

Remembering John McCain

Other than a bye-ku, I’ve not commented on the passing of Senator John McCain. Most media commentary has been positive, and I understand and honor the “don’t speak ill of the dead” norm.

I’ve mulled my reactions to Sen. McCain and find they are mixed. I honor his family naval legacy, his own military service, his suffering as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese, and his run for the presidency against Barack Obama. That alone is much more than most people achieve in a long life.

On the other hand, I often found myself opposed to the stands McCain took as a Senator, expecially as he was nominally of my party. Being a “constant contrarian” gets very tiresome after awhile.

Every senator is entitled to an outlier opinion from time to time. IMHO, John McCain overdid “maverick” in much the same way Rand Paul has done.

There you have my “mixed” assessment.