Friday, May 3, 2019

A Hint of Huntington

The journal Foreign Policy has an article about what they’ve deduced is the “Trump Doctrine.” As comedian Arte Johnson would deadpan long ago on Laugh-In, it is “verrrrrry intheresthing ... but not fonny.”

Author Paul Musgrave believes he sees strong indications of the Trump Doctrine being shaped by the 1993 views of Samuel P. Huntington who wrote of “the clash of civilizations.” Basically, Trump viewing China as coming from a non-Western philosophical milieu, and perhaps therefore being the “other” to a degree the Soviets and Russia didn’t quite reach.

This makes some sense, civilizational clash particularly helps us understand the Long War we’re having with political Islam. It may also give insight into divergent Chinese policy rooted in the thoughts of Confucius, Sun Tzu and Lao Tze.