Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hidden Motives?

A variety of sources are reporting a renewed interest in impeachment on the part of House Democrats. The source of that interest, frustration at the White House’s unwillingness to cooperate in the endless ‘investigations’ (think “harassments”) which they planned. A reluctant Speaker Pelosi is being dragged toward impeachment, seemingly against her better judgment.

I suspect that, much as he protests against it, prodding the Dems into impeachment is exactly what President Trump wants. If the Clinton impeachment is any guide, the party in charge of pushing impeachment loses electorally by doing so.

An impeachment along near-party lines, to which exactly no one believes the Senate will return a guilty verdict, should stir up the Trump base to a near fever pitch. And The Donald is a master in getting opponents to shoot themselves in the foot, while he complains about their recklessnes.

Actually keeping the Dem-led House busy with impeachment may work out well since it is unlikely the Senate will pass any legislation they come up with. We live in interesting times.