Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Pondering Venezuela

President Trump has advisors who are encouraging him to authorize U.S. military assistance in toppling the Maduro government in Venezuela. If this warmongering is window dressing to make that government nervous, fine. If it is serious, it needs to be ignored.

The people of Venezuela need to do one of two things: live with the government they elected, even though it was 'reelected' fraudulently, or get rid of it themselves. On reconsideration, they have a third option ... leave the country, which approximately 1 million have already done.

I believe our government is entitled to sanction nations which extend assistance to Maduro, notably Cuba and Russia, and possibly China. Sending U.S. troops has a bad look that we don't need.

Venezuelans haven't demonstrated the requisite commitment to change. Ultimately any nation's populace are responsible for the government they answer to. A hard-eyed cynic would say people get the government they deserve.