Thursday, May 2, 2019

Caution Urged

On Monday last we wrote about Joe diGenova‘s comments on the Laura Ingraham show on Fox News. He was, to say the least, very optimistic about the chances of nailing those who misled the FISA court into issuing the Carter Page wiretap authorization.

Now another source I normally trust suggests a reason to be cautious about diGenova’s predictions, see what Scott Johnson of Power Line writes.
DiGenova asserts certain nonpublic information as a matter of fact: “The FISA court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings,” and so on. DiGenova is not just a former United States Attorney, according to Parry, he is also former counsel to the FISA court itself. He may well have the knowledge he claims to possess, some of which involves imminent developments. Looking around online, however, one can see that diGenova made a similar prediction a year ago (video here at RealClearPolitics). With respect to his current preview, one can only say let it be.
As real journalists formerly would say, “Don’t go to print until you’ve located a second independently credible corroborating source for the info.” Caveat duly noted.