Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Sad State

David P. Goldman, aka Spengler, blogs at PJ Media. A couple of weeks ago he cited some depressing statistics concerning African-Americans.
Six years after America inaugurated its first African-American president, the social condition of black Americans remains dismal and appears to be deteriorating. 49% of black males have been arrested by the age of 23; a third of black males will probably spend time behind bars. 54% of black men graduate from high school vs. more than 75% of whites. Only 14% of black eighth graders score at or above the threshold of proficiency. And nearly three-quarters of black births are to unmarried mothers.
Later in the same article Spengler writes:
Civilizations die out for the most part because they want to.
Black America appears to be edging in that direction, something approaching collective suicide.