Monday, April 13, 2015

Paul 1.0 Hinders Paul 2.0

CNBC carries a column by Ron Paul, father of presidential candidate Rand Paul. Ron Paul spins paranoid fantasies about the absence of real threats in the world. He imagines efforts of our military-industrial complex to hype nonexistent threats into budgetary gold.

COTTonLINE believes this world is a dangerous place; ignoring the dangers isn't merely a non-solution, it's suicidal. Ergo, Ron Paul is a loony bin moonbat. In a word, he is delusionary. If Rand can't get Ron to shut up, papa will be the death of Rand Paul's candidacy.

Killing Rand's candidacy would be a shame since he brings a few interesting ideas to the table, along with other ideas which are off the wall. Like the late Jack Kemp, Paul can influence the GOP agenda without ever winning national office.