Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Post-World War II Order Dismantled

Richard Fernandez' blog Belmont Club runs on PJ Media. Today he writes about the greatly diminished role of the U.S. in world affairs.
Just as mad King George III lost America forever, so too has the current occupant of the White House dismantled the post-World War 2 order. All that is possible is to build a new future based on whatever survives the unfolding crash.
Fernandez would like to think our President mad, delusional. I disagree, events are progressing as Obama intended they would.

Alongside racism, Obama sees colonialism as one of the world's two great evils. He is busily dismantling our quasi-colonial "empire."

Fernandez may however be correct that Obama's successor cannot reestablish America as the "indispensable" nation - the hegemon. Hat tip to Lucianne.com for the link.