Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Bad News

Rasmussen Reports has the results of a nationwide poll whose findings make sense, but are not good news for Republicans:
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 73% of Likely Republican Voters believe GOP leaders have lost touch with Republican voters. Just 20% say those leaders have done a good job representing GOP voters.
Ryan and McConnell are the "leaders" they don't like - especially Ryan Agonistes. By contrast:
Only 28% of Democratic voters say their leaders have lost touch with the party's voter base. Sixty-two percent (62%) believe instead that the party's leaders have done a good job representing Democratic voters.
Politics 101: The grassroots can find new leaders; leaders have a much harder time finding a new base. For now, Trump is the new leader.

If Trump wins, House Republicans will need a new Speaker. If Trump loses, Ryan may or may not look better with the advantage of hindsight.