Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Enemy of My Enemy ...

Jeremy Stahl, writing for Slate, notes that Bernie Sanders' supporters have become more opposed to a Clinton candidacy as the spring has worn on. Hat tip to RealClearPolitics for the link.
When I spoke to Sanders supporters at a Los Angeles event in March, the vast majority of them said they would be able to support Clinton in a hypothetical matchup with Donald Trump. At Tuesday’s event, the opposite was true.

This actually tracks with polling: Between March and May, the percentage of Sanders supporters who said they planned to vote for Trump in a Washington Post poll climbed from 9 percent to 20 percent. Similarly, the number of Sanders supporters who would commit to voting for Clinton in a YouGov poll shrank from 63 percent to 50 percent between April and May.
This has to be good news for Trump.