Just two months before this attack, an Orlando mosque hosted an Islamic theologian known for pronouncing homosexuals as deserving of death. “Death is the sentence” they merit as an act of “compassion,” the imam stated. While his invitation got some coverage in Orlando media, one wonders what the mainstream media would have to say if a white preacher in Charleston had pronounced blacks as deserving the death sentence only two months before Dylann Roof murdered nine African Americans in a church.That's different, whites aren't allowed to take a dim view of anybody (except themselves). For all victim groups such views, though deplorable, are excusable because they're victims, just ask Josh Earnest, spox for the Victim-in-Chief.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Compassionate Death Sentence?
John R. Schindler writes at Observer about the shooting in Orlando and Obama's refusal to call it "Islamic" terror.