Saturday, June 25, 2016

My Take on Brexit

It may or may not have been obvious from my work here the past almost 10 years, but I am an Anglophile. I like the Brits and Britain. It's probable a fair number of my ancestors came, directly or indirectly, from the U.K., some mix of English and Scots.

Although I had no right to vote in the Brexit election just concluded, I was for Leave and am happy with the result. Elections where my side wins are rare enough to be worth celebrating.

I understand the importance of forestalling war among Europeans, a major reason for the EU project. My soldier relatives served in both World Wars in Europe. Nevertheless, I have been repelled by the authoritarian, anti-democratic/technocratic ways of the EU apparatchiks in Brussels.

The pecksniffian EU leaders have long given offense, begging for rebuke. They seemingly answer to no one. Perhaps in the wake of Brexit they'll feel it necessary at long last to heed public opinion.

I wish the U.K. well in the months ahead, as they struggle to reclaim their sovereignty.