Saturday, June 11, 2016

Saturday Snickers

Steven Hayward collects political cartoons, photos with snarky captions, and the like for a weekly column at Power Line entitled The Week in Pictures. Here are descriptions of my favorites from the week's haul.

A photo of Golda Meir from her days as Prime Minister of Israel, captioned:
A female leader of a democratic nation?
That's so 1969.
A bathrobe-clad Hillary confronts a boxers-wearing Bill holding a cell phone, clock in the background shows 3 a.m. Bill speaks:
"Would you believe it's Jake from State Farm?"
Sitting in the Oval Office, Hillary yells into a red phone.
 "You heard me! I want you to bomb Paula Jones!!" 
Picture a Millennial wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, sitting on a kiddie ride-a-unicorn machine labeled "Free rides" and "Bernie 2016." He yells:
"What do you mean the ride is over?!"
Picture two photos, with this caption: "Pick a Future for America."
The first shows a smiling, tanned blonde wearing a U.S. flag-themed sun dress. It's labeled:
You Vote for Trump 
The second shows a smiling guy with a scruffy beard, long hair, lipstick, and women's clothes, posed in front of a sign labeled "All Gender Restroom." It's labeled:
You Vote for Hillary
Donald Trump Photoshopped over a photo of a job fair. The caption:
Breaking News. Donald Trump plans to call his future campaign rallies "Job Fairs" in order to keep the liberal protestors away.
Prince Valiant-style drawing of King Arthur and the round table,
Sir Galahad speaks: Cool round table! Who built it?
Merlin answers: Sir Cumference. 
A poster with these words:
Everyday thousands of
are killed by vegetarians.
Help end the violence.
Finally, a photo of Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, looking especially impish, captioned:
Tell me again how a man having
genital reassignment surgery,
breast implants, lifelong hormone
therapy, and a name change
makes him a woman, but
you don't believe in
genetically modified
food because it's not

It must be confusing
to be a liberal.