Friday, June 24, 2016

Balz on Britain's Brexit

The Washington Post's Dan Balz is one of the saner voices in political analysis today. Here is his take on Brexit's win in Britain, as syndicated in the Bend Bulletin. He echoes many of the thoughts I posted last night, including the societal parallels between the Trump phenomenon and Brexit.

Balz hints at an underlying motive I've suspected, the lack of accountability of many EU bureaucrats to any meaningful political process. Odd how their "we know what's good for you" smugness resembles President Obama's refusal to enforce immigration laws or admit an Islamic enemy.

In his second term Obama too could shrug off ballot influences, given his virtual immunity to impeachment. The 2014 midterm election sent a clear signal of disapproval he blithely chose to ignore.

Perhaps Britain's "Independence Day" is a foretunner of our November outcome. We can hope it is.