Friday, June 24, 2016

Growing Up

Long-time COTTonLINE readers know scarcely a year has gone by that we didn't drag out and dust off that old cliche that goes something like:
If you're young and not left-wing, you have no heart.
If you're no longer young and still left-wing, you have no head. 
Having lived this evolution I understand its widespread applicability. Here it is applied to Brexit, and to a 1975 referendum on Britain staying in the Common Market. Tim Stanley, writing in The Telegraph (U.K.), observes:
The young may have overwhelmingly voted Remain, too – but, hey, they will grow older someday. The young who voted Remain in 1975 overwhelmingly voted Leave in 2016. In part, perhaps, because they didn’t like being characterised as ancient bigots by the Remain side. 
And Bernie Sanders' young followers will, one day, vote for a latter-day Trump. Note the British spelling in that quote, they put no "z" in "characterised," as we do.