Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Your Wednesday Snark

Arthur Chrenkoff blogs at The Daily Chrenk, here he gives us his Ten Commandments for Social Justice Warriors (hint: progressives). Hat tip to Ed Driscoll, guest blogging at Instapundit for the link.
1. All cultures are morally equal and worthy, except one's own.
2. You can choose your gender, sexuality and ethnicity, but you can't choose your politics.
3. Only white people are racist; everyone else is fair and accurate.
4. Equality means superiority, tolerance means approval, debate means agreement.
5. Sticks and stones will break your bones, because your words always hurt me.
6. We have rights, you have obligations.
7. It's all our society's fault, and by "our" we mean "your," you white/male/hetero/rich bigot.
8. I do not agree with what you have to say, and I'll defend to your death my right to stop you saying it.
9. It's always "nothing to do with [insert religion]" unless it's Christianity, in which case it has everything to do with Christianity.
10. I can see your house from my moral superiority.
All of these (except the last) are entirely wrong-headed. There's nothing wrong with my moral superiority (written sardonically, of course).