Saturday, September 3, 2016

Gringotts = Rothchilds

If you Google Richard Wagner and J. R. R. Tolkien you get pages of stuff comparing the two. Most recently I read a column by David Goldman, who channels Spengler, on the subject, entitled: "Why Did Tolkien Care About the Jews?"

The same archetypes found in the Ring cycle and Tolkien appear in the Harry Potter series of novels by Jo Rowling. Wagner's and Tolkien's dwarves are Rowling's goblins, the wizarding world's bankers, creatures described as having different understandings about who owns what and what constitutes fair dealing.

Like Tolkien, Rowling depicts her Jew-surrogates as having been mistreated, in Rowling's case by wizards who stand in for humans in her story cycle, in Tolkien's tales by wizards and humans. I suppose it is logical story tellers write about what they believe they know.